Support for Touch for Virus app
Welcome to the Touch for Virus support page.
Touch for Virus has been designed to be an alternative way to design patches on Virus TI synthesizers. Because users asked for it, over the years it has also become a librarian. On this page you will find relase notes, and an introduction to the app. For information about our privacy policy and disclaimer, please read this page.
Get in touch
For more information about Touch for Virus read the manual on this page. When your question is not covered contact me by email.
For bug reports please use the following page on Github
Introduction Touch for Virus
Wondering what’s so special about Touch for Virus? Well, it add some nice new features to your old friend:
The roughly 450 parameters which define a patch on Virus TI are groupd in 7 modules. You can navigate between those modules using the tabs right below the toolbar.
Each module has its own presets. There are default presets available, but you can also add your own by using the save button above the list. You can delete
module preset by swiping them to the left, just like in IOS Mail.
Module presets enable you to build new patches quickly by just trying new combinations. You can easely try a given oscillator module preset with different filter module presets or modulation module presets.
This is easy, fun to do and, in my experience, boosts inspiration!
Touch based editing, intuitive controls
Well, editing patches on Virus TI can be sometimes frusttrating. Get rid of all these deep menu’s abd use your large iPad instead.
Manual, or “how the hell does this work?!”
Menu Bar

- Patch name: Tap on it to open the Patch Library
- Save: Tap to save the current patch to your local library or to Virus Cloud.
- Sync: Tap to send all parameters of the current patch to the connected Virus TI.
- Fetch: Fetches the patch which is currently loaded on the connected Virus synth.
- Audit: play a note, for auditing
- Setup: setup the connection with Virus TI and midi channels
- Help: Opens this support page on the website in Safari